
Prayer forms the heart of our life and worship together as God’s people.

We believe that it is as we pray that we experience God’s presence, hear his voice and receive his blessing for breakthrough in our lives, our community and our world. At its simplest, prayer is just talking to God. The amazing thing is that he loves to hear our voice!

Personal Prayer

To grow in personal prayer, you may wish to try the Lectio365 Daily Devotional and Prayer App, or dig in to the Toolshed from the excellent Prayer Course. You can also check out some of our resources to help with Prayer and Fasting.

Praying Together

In addition to the prayer we share in our Life Groups and times together in worship, we have a dedicated prayer meeting called The Boiler Room that meets before our church service each Sunday from 10-10.30am. No one needs to feel pressured to pray out loud, but everyone is encouraged to join in by sharing their prayers or praying quietly. All are welcome!