Sundays at St Mary’s
We meet for worship on Sundays at 11am, and we’d love to see you there! For more info on what Sundays at St Mary’s are like read on…
Gathering for Worship
Whether you’ve been with us for a while or you have never been to church before, we would love for you to come along and join us. When you arrive on Sundays, you’ll be greeted by our Welcoming Team, who will be happy to help you find your way. You’re welcome to sit wherever you feel most comfortable. Tea and coffee is provided after the service – a great opportunity to get to know one another better before heading home.
For those who aren’t able to make it out for in-person worship, we will continue broadcasting our services live on our YouTube Channel. However, since the normal pattern for Christians is to worship together in person, we encourage you to join us on Sundays at church where you’ll get a true flavour of our family life together.
What’s on for children and youth?
- We want families to attend and feel at home with us on Sundays and we have all ages represented at our worship services. Children begin the service with their parents and join in with our opening worship. They then go out for their own age specific ministries, which serve:
Nursery-P1 (Little Church)
P2-P7 aged children (Kids’ Church)
Yr8 – Yr11 (Youth Church)
There is also a supervised crèche room available for the youngest who need a little more space.
- We want families to attend and feel at home with us on Sundays and we have all ages represented at our worship services. Children begin the service with their parents and join in with our opening worship. They then go out for their own age specific ministries, which serve:
On the first Sunday of each month our youth can be found serving on our various ministry teams for “Serve Sunday”. Our Youth Fellowship meets on Sunday evenings from 7-9pm in the balcony – serving Year 8s and up.
Boiler Room Prayer
We also meet on Sundays from 10-10:30am to pray for our church, our community and our world, and especially for the upcoming service that morning. While there is no pressure to pray out loud, everyone is welcome to join in through sharing their prayer or praying quietly. All are welcome.
More FAQs:
What should I wear?
We are pretty informal, but some folks wear suits and dresses too!
Where do I park?
There is parking on site at the church, in the neighbouring Enler Complex as well as street side in our area.
What’s the worship like?
We love to worship God together. Our worship style is informal and contemporary in style, group led, and lively, dynamic in nature and informed by our Anglican roots. Most of those who join us do not come from a formal Church of Ireland background, and many have had little previous experience of church.
I don’t have transportation – how can I get to church?
We have a minibus that operates on Sunday mornings for those who need help getting to and from church. If you’d like a lift, please fill in the form below.